Happy Colours toys

So we’ve reached Rory’s twelfth week and we’re both still learning lots of new things, all helped by the fabulous Chicco prizes.
Discovery and bonding
What I particularly love about all the Chicco products is that they encourage parent and child to play together; and do not give parents the lazy option of switching on a mechanism and walking away. This is so important in establishing a bond and supporting babies mental development. Since we last posted a review, we’ve been getting to know his friends, Happy Colours Hedgehog and Dog.

Friends from birth
The Happy Colours Hedgehog was Rory’s first friend. We placed the friendly faced and beautifully coloured creature in his little hospital bassinette and gently pulled the little orange foot to play soothing music to him.

Making the Wonder Weeks wonderful
Since then we have been using the toys in different ways to support Rory’s development. A friend directed me to the book, Wonder Weeks which explains exactly what is happening during each of the growth spurts or leaps – each leap represents a new area of learning and discovery. The book has really been a godsend in helping make these transitions smoother and the Chicco Hedgehog and Dog have played an important role in doing this.
Changing Sensations
The first of the leaps (which normally starts between 4½ and 5½ weeks) was the first significant development of his touch sense. This is where the crinkly spikes of the hedgehog clearly enhanced his developmental experience.

During the second leap (occurring around 7½ and 9½ weeks) he turned his head towards the hedgehog’s music and crinkling. He started reaching out to both toys and became much more interested in the fantastic patterns that each of them has. It was a delight to hear his vocal sounds develop as he played with them too.
Smooth Transitions
We’re now in the middle of his third leap (which is between 11½ and 12½ weeks). His movements are much stronger and more confident. He has been cuddling the Happy Colours Dog, playing with the Dog’s ears, sucking the Hedgehog’s nose (we’re grateful that the toys are so easy to clean!) and smiling at both of them. He even looks like he’s having boisterous roll around fun with the dog (Rory is trying to roll over, but still needs a little while before he will be able to do that properly – Dog manages it OK though). He has started to really develop his range of vocal noises and has almost giggled when playing with them.
Lovable faces
Key to his interaction with the toys is their lovable faces. Research has shown, babies are almost hardwired to recognise faces, so the best toys are those that have clear bold faces and both the Happy Colours Dog and Hedgehog have these.
Happy memories and inspiring creativity
I have an old photo of my brother and I having a teddy bears’ picnic with our toys. I remember the toys and at least one has survived to this day (the Humpty Dumpty, which my mum is giving a little TLC too before passing to Rory). My first reaction on seeing the photo was to think what a great, fun and happy childhood I had. Mum and Dad were always great at tapping into my imagination and I hope I inspire Rory as well as they inspired me.
I would love to recreate this teddy bear’s picnic for Rory when he can sit up on his own and I’m very sure the Chicco Happy Colours Hedgehog and Dog will be there. Their colourful designs portray great characters – essential for any good teddy bear’s picnic and fantastic for inspiring creativity.

Did it make us smile?
The Happy Colours Hedgehog and Dog most certainly did make us smile (and even giggle). As Rory’s smiles get bigger and bigger, it is a delight for me to see him take pleasure in spending time with his toys.