MoDe Booster seat

The Mode booster seat means Hannah can join in at dinnertime, wherever we are. She loves being able to eat at the table in a chair like her big brother!
Our Mode booster seat is in a gorgeous green circle print – Kiwi. I love it! The patterned part of the seat is padded and looks really comfortable. It is wipe clean and the lining can easily be removed too. Perfect for Hannah’s messier meal times – every day!

Space saving and simple to set up
The seat is lightweight, and folds down really small so it’s easily portable. I love that it’s so space saving. It has a great carry handle, so it’s no bother to take out and about, to friends’ houses or cafes where they don’t have suitable highchairs. It’s simple to set up too, and can be ready to use in no time at all. Great for busy meal times.
Adjustable and secure
The seat attaches to a chair with two fully adjustable straps – one underneath the chair and one round the back. I love the adjustable height too; the three positions mean Hannah can always see what’s going on. She loves to join in and make lots of noise at the dinner table! The three point safety harness keeps her securely in the seat, even on her most wriggly days.
Hannah loves the removable tray. We use this seat at play time too, and she loves to bash her toys on it. It’s easy to remove too – brilliant if you want to put food on it and then clip it on, or for when Hannah sits at a table. It’s great!
Mealtimes made easier
Most of all, we love that it makes meal times at home and away easier for us and for Hannah. No more sitting on our laps to be able to join in fully when a highchair isn’t appropriate. We wouldn’t be without it!
Does it make us happy?
Hannah loves to join in with lots of noise at dinnertime, and the Mode booster seat means she’s at the heart of the action. Mode booster seat = loud and happy, well fed Hannah!